How Know Covid-19 Nigeria is using facts to combat the pandemic and empower the public

By Madison Greer

“We are really facing three pandemics at the same time: the coronavirus pandemic, information pandemic, and the corruption pandemic.” – Abideen Opeyemi, Co-Founder and CEO of Know Covid-19 Nigeria

Know Covid-19’s Approach

COVID-19 Response

Know Covid-19 NG was established in March to aid the Nigerian government in flattening the curve in the wake of the pandemic by countering and debunking fake news. The organization is supported by over 100 volunteers and experts in media, medicine, data, and graphic design.

Combating misinformation: Know Covid-19 is combating the “infodemic” by flagging misinformation on social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp and countering it with relevant, curated information to alleviate fear in communities. The team gathers information on cases, perceptions, myths, and preventative measures to create relatable graphics rather than lengthy reports. 

“We are sending information to grassroots communities where the government cannot reach by translating information around COVID-19 into local languages to ensure that we leave no one behind.” said Opeyemi. 

Contact tracing and mapping: Know Covid-19’s matrix mapping technology and digital risk checker, accessible via their website, are informing vulnerable individuals and preventing further infection. Thousands of Nigerians have accessed the online risk checker and in turn learned their susceptibility to the virus as well as recommendations like self-isolation, quarantine, and other tips.  

Holding government accountable: Conflicting data remains a challenge for Know Covid-19 as they attempt to report cases and infection rates. The public relies on reports from the Nigerian Center for Disease Control to document data, but there are concerns about uncorrelated data. Know Covid-19 is taking action to share only the most reputable information and is in consistent contact with the NCDC for clarifications. 

Looking Ahead

Like all organizations, Know Covid-19 is transitioning into a new normal and working on how to maintain and improve their existing capacities. 

“I see us moving forward better. We have the capacity. We have people who are experts, data analysts, journalists, health experts, journalists, doctors, content writers.” said Opeyemi. 

Lessons for Others

Opeyemi emphasizes the necessity to dispatch resources, time, talent, and, most importantly, youth power to take action and support the government and public. 

“Our organization comprises 96% young people. It really shows that as young people, we are the population, we are the energy. We need to work together, and activation collaboration not competition.” 

Organizations should understand that the government can’t do it all and their capacities are essential. 

“The whole world is at a standstill. The whole world is bleeding. As civil society and nonprofit organizations we need to play our role and make a positive contribution to developments across the globe.”

Abideen Opeyemi is the Co-Founder and CEO of Know Covid-19 Nigeria.

To learn more about Know Covid-19 please visit: To donate to Know Covid-19 please visit their GoFund Me page. 
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