GroundBreakers is delighted to announce the launch of the African Collaboration Network as a centralized resource hub for leaders across the continent to connect and collaborate during COVID-19 and beyond. 

Through our engagement with our network, we have received feedback on the need for more centralized collaboration and connection among civil society sectors across the continent. The African Collaboration Network platform was created to aid in the development of more interconnected conversations to drive change through resource sharing and relief support. 

The African Collaboration Network functions as a digital community for leaders to share best practices, exchange knowledge, and amplify their impact through making new connections. The GroundBreakers Team curates relevant resources to share with the network including webinars, events, and research in addition to news and policy updates across Africa. Network members benefit from the opportunity to find partners to collaborate with in addressing community needs, learning social change strategies, and making regional and continental connections. The community also creates space for synergy between network members on the African continent and throughout the diaspora to share innovative solutions. 

Working groups provide a vital opportunity for leaders to connect and share best practices and lessons learned in their work across country contexts. Working groups include community development, media and journalism, entrepreneurship, youth, gender equality, public health, entrepreneurship, education, climate and environment, and agriculture. 

Network members are from countries including Botswana, Chad, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, The Gambia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.  From leading environmental nonprofits, coordinating public health services, conducting analysis of government policies during COVID-19, and addressing the literacy gap between urban and rural communities, the leaders of the African Collaboration Network are forces for positive change. 

Through the African Collaboration Network, GroundBreakers aims to support accelerated collaboration and knowledge sharing across the continent for our current moment and beyond. 

To apply to the African Collaboration Network, please submit your application through this link:

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