Surya Karki

The Diyalo Foundation

Surya Karki is the Founder of The Diyalo Foundation, a nonprofit driving community-led development throughout Nepal focused on providing holistic, child-centered education. The Diyalo approach links educational programming with initiatives in agriculture and energy in which farming is incorporated into teaching and access to sustainable energy is provided in schools as a basis for long-term community development. Diyalo partners with local governments and works to improve the public sector service delivery of education throughout Nepal. Surya is also the Country Director and Co-Founder of United World Schools Nepal where he oversees the operations of primary schools in the Sankhuwasabha and Gulmi districts. On this week’s feature of GroundBreakers’ Portraits of a GroundBreaker Series, our discussion with Surya ranged from the importance of education in his own life to the child-centered construction of Diyalo’s schools.

Articles featuring Surya

How the Diyalo Foundation is advancing community-led, holistic education throughout Nepal